Laboratory of Chemistry of Informational Macromolecules

Welcome to the webpage of the Lutz’s group at the Institute of Supramolecular Science and Engineering. The aim of the Laboratory of Chemistry of Informational Macromolecules (LCIM) is to study the design, synthesis, characterization and applications of non-biological sequence-defined polymers.

Thank you for visiting our website!


(Macro)molecular Assembly and Materials (MAM), French-Indian seminar

We are please to announce the (Macro)molecular Assembly and Materials (MAM) French-Indian seminar that will take place in Mahabalipuram Resort & Convention Center on January 12-14 2025. This event will include 14 French speakers and 19 Indian speakers. An online plenary lecture will be given by Chemistry Nobel Laureate Jean-Marie Lehn on January 12th
2025 at 1pm UTC.

Jean-François Lutz, GFP Innovation prize

The GFP 2024 academic innovation prize was awarded to Jean-François Lutz (ISIS, Strasbourg), Didier Gigmes and Laurence Charles (ICR, Marseille) for their work on coded polymers to limit counterfeiting.

Jean-François Lutz, prix Langevin

Congratulations to Jean-François Lutz who won the prize Langevin from the Academy of Science 2024. 

This prize for work in the field of physical chemistry, was created in 1941 as a tribute to the memory of French scientists murdered by the Nazis in 1940-1945.

Le Monde, a french daily newspaper published an article about our research on synthetic digital polymers in the frame of PEPR project.

Check it here

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